2 Simple Things To Change Your Life

In this video, I share two simple things that changed my life that you can apply right now. I share with you my sacred question and my daily prayer.

The two things in combination give me the clear guidance and direction that I need to navigate life to its fullest even during challenging times. I also talk about what the Ascended Masters are asking me to share with you so we can evolve quickly into higher levels of consciousness. The time is now to fortify our energy and serve from Love in our highest capacity. This happens when we activate the high spiritual heart.

You can learn how do this with me and a group of lightworkers who will be joining together in my brand new online course, Evolve Through Any Challenge with Your High Spiritual Heart. Scholarships are available. 

You can learn more here: SpiritCoachTraining.com/Heart


A Meditation for When You Have Trouble Focusing


Microdose Joy