Just Returned From A Powerful Sedona Vortex


The Sedona vortexes are conduits of energy that activate within us that which has been dormant. As I walked up to a very special vortex, I could feel the possibility of something not yet discovered in me. This was sacred Native American ground. The holiest of places, for it contained both the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine frequencies holding a perfectly balanced wholeness for the planet.

I made my way to the masculine pole first. As I walked around it counter clockwise, I could hear the whispers of the holy men and women who have come to this sacred place for millennia. They whispered a native phrase to me, “Hohokam”. Not knowing what it meant, I continued on to receive the blessings of the Divine masculine-a fierce clarity, a divine purpose, an energy of strength and a force field of creation to manifest in the physical world. Crossing over to the Feminine, known as The Kachina Woman, I immediately nestled my body into the rock like a warm loving embrace; it almost hugged me back. I felt nurtured, embraced and held in compassion. There was also a huge sense of being grounded into this earth plane, thus creating a safety and an ability to be here fully present in the now.  As I walked back to the middle between these two seemingly polarities, there was a spot where the energies co-mingled in such a way that there was almost a portal of light that moved up through my entire body. This created a vibrant aliveness like the feeling of the source of all creation. It awakened in me more of my own wholeness, and allowed me to be restored in a way that is hard to put into words. 


I was with my friends, Gina & Nirmala, two awakened spiritual teachers. Together the three of us offered a Christ Consciousness Transmission as we leaned against the feminine pillar. It was an offering and a blessing. However when we released this energy, it went up the rock formation and shot into the sky, headed toward the central sun and came back, creating a huge release of energy on the planet. The three of us (three as the Christ light), opened an energetic pathway that allowed more access to our Christed selves, not just for us, but for the planet. This is the power of wholeness, and why at this time on the planet we need to ignite this balanced state within ourselves so we can bring more balance to mother earth and all her inhabitants.

After I returned home, I later learned of several miracle healings that happened on this vortex. Additionally, a spiritual teacher I know had his intuition turn on at this very place. I looked up the meaning of Hohokam. It is the name of the ancient Native American people considered part of the Oasisamerica tradition. They obviously wanted me to know who they were and how they were still the guardians of this sacred land and still holding a fierce reverence for Mother Earth and all her creatures.

And you know me, I can’t have an experience like this and not share it with others, so I will be bringing people on retreat to share this powerful vortex energy in Sedona this May. If you feel the soul’s calling to go, you can learn more here.

Boundless Blessings on Your Healing Journey,



The Humility Transmission


Devotion Awakens The Spiritual Heart