Remember Your Bravery Today

What happened when I discovered how brave I was

I woke up this morning and had a realization, that I’m actually a very brave person. This declaration is not because I’m trying to give myself accolades or make myself seem better than I am. It actually comes from the realization that I have had a tremendous amount of fear in my life. This fear has been overwhelming at times, and yet, despite this, I have walked through it and done some incredible things. Like recently, I sold my beautiful home in California, left my chosen family of thirty years and moved to Sedona, all because the Divine asked this of me.

I rarely let fear stop me from growing, from trying something new and from being authentically me. This is not to say that it hasn’t stopped me in the past, at times of course, but in general, I have been extremely brave. I’m sharing this in the hopes that you too, can recognize how brave you have been as you are willing to walk through your own fear.

There is a point in our spiritual evolution where fear subsides because we no longer are entrenched in the ego which is motivated completely and utterly by fear. As we awaken out of ego consciousness, we find a different space of our true self where love is the vantage point. The ego is still there, and it still has its fears, but they are all seen by our true self. This lessens the fear, if not obliterates it altogether. The good news is that no matter where you are in your spiritual journey, you can be brave. You are brave. Despite what you may “think“, you chose to be here in form, incarnate in your body, at this time. This is an extremely brave act. Start from this truth and you will begin to recognize how brave you actually are right now in your life as you step out your door and enter the world. The world loves your bravery because you bring more of your true self into it, and your very presence heals this world. If nothing else, remember your bravery today.


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