Why The Divine Feminine Must Rise + Release Your Judgement

In this short video you will learn why the Divine feminine has to rise up to stand in equality with the Divine masculine. In case you haven’t noticed, we are living in a world out of balance because the feminine has been suppressed, negated, denied, abused and ignored. Without the Divine feminine, we are lacking the quality of humility. Humility allows us to let go of our knowing (often a judgment) to arrive at a deeper truth. The frequency of humility when activated wakes up the sleeping giant of our Divinity so we stop acting out of the trance of ego, where we can let go of the judging mind and access truth so Love as our true nature can prosper. If you ever wanted to turn off your judgment, you can learn how in this video.

Claim Your Divinity

Join us for the next live healing gathering on October 18th.

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Receive what you need to awaken the Divinity in you and heal what stands in the way of your wholeness.

The Ascended Masters are present. A miracle awaits you.

Thursday, October 18th, 2018
from 7pm to 9pm
Save $15 by registering now

“Last night’s class was easily the most profound spiritual experience of my life.” –Tony



Discover Unity Consciousness + A Meditation For You