Evolve with the High Spiritual Heart Part I

from $189.00

This is the time you came for - the great awakening of humanity. This course will prepare you for this transition by supporting you in being the divine-human you always knew you were.

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Challenging times give us the most opportunities for growth. Let’s use this time wisely by becoming firmly planted in our High Spiritual Heart. This is the place where love is infinite, wisdom is plentiful and guidance is accessible. A mind riddled with fear is a dangerous place to be, especially now, but the High Spiritual Heart is a safe haven that when activated, can be the guiding light in our lives. This light will not only serve ourselves and the choices we make, but others as well. This is the reason we incarnated—to be Love, to serve Love and to act from Love.

The collective trauma we are all currently experiencing is an opportunity to heal our own personal trauma so we can awaken out of the ego’s trance and into our true LOVE nature. We are moving from a fear-based society to a Love-based society. How do we do this? By doing the work on a personal level, we affect the whole. The High Spiritual Heart is the vehicle that returns to Love that which is separate and divided. Our wounded heart keeps us believing in the illusion of the separate self. It forms the projection of a separate identity. When we heal this part of us, we are free to be who we truly are—a magnificent, loving and compassionate being whose potential is limitless.

During this course, you will learn to:

· Stay centered and calm in the storm

· Clear dense emotions to feel lighter and freer

· Work with your own wounded heart for healing

· Build your immune system by building your shakti

· Stop just transcending and transmute your trauma

· Learn to trust your innate wisdom to consciously create

· Move out of the fear, becoming inspired to act from Love

· Experience peace despite your outer circumstances

· Increase your intuition to navigate the inner and outer mental chaos

· Learn to access your spiritual heart for guidance, strength and resilience

· Use the Hearts for optimal healing: Spiritual, Emotional and Wounded

· Return to Love what is separate and divided, awakening more fully now

· Receive Divine light transmissions for healing and awakening on all levels

· Get support from a group of lightworkers in an amplified field of Love

· Marinate in miracle consciousness so you can open to new possibilities

You will also receive:

· Group coaching and the support of a spirit-based community
· Healing from divine guides and helpers including the Ascended Masters
· A safe and sacred space conducive for deep personal growth work
· Six weeks of group distance learning (includes weekly live calls with Jenai, meditations, exercises, recordings, an interactive learning community, and so much more)

What people are saying who have attended Retreats with Jenai



“This course is like a soft pillow to fall upon. I am so grateful to Jenai and this beautiful group for all of the support amidst so much immense change!”
